Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Party 09!

Ben and Darla were so gracious to let us use their awesome house this year. And it was perfect for ROOTED's annual costume bash. We had lots of kitty cats, a vampire, lumber jack, a priest, 2 Dorothy's, army men, FBI, a bumble bee, an angel, and a lady bug. . . and so much more. Winners for best costumes went to Jonathan Shea, Westley Cone (all because he wore his tighty whiteys on the outside of his pants) and Sarah Hileman! There was great food, great games, great dancing, Goonie watching and overall great fun! April and Phil Evans worked their tails off to make this party happen, and they did a tremendous job! Thanks to everyone who pitched in food, decor, and effort to decorate and set up for the party! AWESOMEEEEE!